- Ecommerce Website (redesign 2020)

A redesign of a pre-made design was required in 2020. As long time clients and with an expanding range of products being sold online, NAA wanted a redesign of their online store.
The client's main goal was to make it very clear to visitors the types of products that they offer and feature their premium brands.
The site homepage features a full with header slider, main product categories and a number of product carousels. The homepage also displays their latest online reviews and posts.

The main shop pages feature a "quick view" on each product that opens in a modal with left and right navigation for viewing multiple products very quickly ensuring a good UX for visitors.

Once an item has been added to the cart, you can easily see the number of items in the card and the total in the fixed navigation bar. Clicking on this opens the cart in a modal so changes can be made. Again making things easier for customers.

With such a variety of products available, filtering was of vital importance in this project. Ajax filtering with various options allows visitors to easily and quickly get to the products they want.